Something I Learned When I was Thirteen
To use shared experiences from adolescence as a tool to unify high school and college students, bridging the age gap and making strangers into collaborators
To show students how to take a conversation and turn it into an idea, and turn that idea into a visual response
To learn how to make ideas tangible using the technique of stop motion animation
This project is about evening the playing field. In an effort to bring high school and college students together as collaborators, we use a point of similarity upon which to build: the universally awkward adolescent experience.
We used this shared experience as a starting point to collaborate and create a series of visual responses in the form of short stop-motion animation videos. We worked to understand the structure of our narratives and learned how to create stop motion animation.
Them we moved on to the structure of our narratives, do they have beginnings, middles, and ends? Is there an element of surprise or unexpectedness or humor we can include or emphasize? How can we take a lesson learned or experience and translate it into a short stop motion piece? Can our stories share a moral or enlightening message? We talked about what stop motion is, how it is achieved and how production values, editing, lighting and music can bring our stories to life.