Michael Vasquez

Assistant Professor


email: mvasq2@pdx.edu


I am a multi-disciplinary graphic designer and printmaker. Both my queer identity and my Hispanic heritage have influenced a lot of my design perspective. I've used my skills and education as a platform to raise awareness for queer history alongside amplifying the voices of more marginalized members of my community. Most of my prints and zines have taken on a second life by reclaiming design styles and lettering inspired by various political activist ephemera and protest posters.

Print is power, and it's a platform I like to use for important statements, but with that being said, I love to have a good time, and I am 100% team silly designs just for the fun of it (in case it wasn't already obvious). I am currently one of Comma's faculty advisors, and I am a full-time teacher at PSUGD and a print assistant at Outlet.


Mallary Wilson


Cielle Charron